TAMS Training Administration Platform

TAMS is our cloud-based subscription platform for providers of face-to-face training, both practical and theoretical, of the type commonly used for workplace health and safety education or continuing professional development (CPD). It handles the back-office functions of managing syllabuses, course bookings, staff and venue approvals, certification and reporting through a secure web interface, designed for multi-user operation with a fully audited and ISO-compatible workflow. TAMS does not allow students to log in, nor does it send notifications or emails to students!

Training providers of all types use the TAMS platform, from self-employed instructors to multinational corporations; however we only support subscribers who are actually delivering the training courses. TAMS is not an employee management platform, and trying to use it as such will only lead to problems. If something else is more appropriate to your needs we will advise accordingly.

What does it do?

TAMS manages the delivery of training 'Course Events', from initial customer contact through course bookings to marking and certification. These tasks are performed by employees of the training provider, or subcontract instructors, who can log in from anywhere in the world using mobile or desktop devices with a modern Web browser and PDF viewer. Course Events are the delivery of one syllabus to a group of students by one or more instructors, over one or more booked sessions – each session being a defined period of instruction at a venue. TAMS manages the permitted combinations of syllabus, venue and staff.

Course Events proceed through several stages, from initial creation to approval, delivery and marking. Instructors enter marks and the platform then generates certificates and updates the students' records. Of course the database is fully searchable, and statistical reports can be run - for example to list records that are close to expiry, or to view staff performance, pass rates and utilization of resources.

The TAMS platform is not used by delegates but is integrated with these services:

  • VFCRT is a public certificate-verification tool for any TAMS training qualification. Providers can choose to embed the tool in their own website or link directly to a private-label query form.
  • TRGform [coming soon] provides delegates and instructing staff with access to digital identity-validation, attendance and assessment forms. Delegates attending courses can be issued a device such as an iPad or Android tablet, which is securely connected to their TAMS record via an access token in the instructor documents pack. TRGform is scheduled for general availability in late 2024.

Core features

The platform is designed to operate in several languages on a per-user level, with clients defining the translations as required. Course documents can be issued in any language, independent of the user's chosen language for the web interface. TAMS is fully timezone aware; booking times are automatically converted to and from local venue times, and every user can set their preferred timezone for display.
Advanced permissions controls
Every user is assigned a role that restricts what they can access, and this can be further restricted on a per-task basis by managers. Special user accounts can be created for subcontract instructors that blocks all commercial information such as client lists and pricing.
Read-only access for client companies
Significant clients of the training provider can be given read-only access to browse the records of students associated to their company, and download copy certificates. This value-add service is popular with large corporations who operate paperless employee management systems, as they can monitor for expiry and check new qualifications without phone or email queries. Client accounts cannot book courses or see details of any syllabuses, students, venues, staff etc. beyond what is shown on their certificates.
High quality secure document output
Certificates are produced as PDF files that can be printed or supplied directly to clients, and every certificate contains security features to allow verification and counterfeit detection. Photo ID cards can also be generated for output to compatible card printers, such as the Magicard series. Course documentation (attendance forms, joining instructions, exam papers) are also generated in PDF. Statistical reports can be viewed on screen or downloaded in PDF or spreadsheet format.
Secure API
The training provider can securely connect their public website to the platform, to enable certificate-validation and calendar functions without revealing TAMS to site visitors. Combined with the prominent security features of certificates and ID cards this effectively mitigates the risk of counterfeit documents. Web developer support and full technical documentation is available to assist with API integration.
ISO and GDPR compatible
TAMS is designed to form part of an ISO quality management system, and has been audited by a number of external awarding bodies. In order to protect the database from accidental or malicious alterations, the system implements access controls and anti-tamper measures. For legal purposes the records of training stored on the TAMS database are the definitive copy. TAMS generates GDPR-compliant documentation and consent forms, however subscribers are solely responsible for ensuring that they obtain the necessary permissions and government registrations in order to store and process students' personal information.
Global Wind Organization WINDA integration
TAMS includes our unique plugin that creates a live connection to the GWO WINDA database, giving audited GWO training providers tools for direct-access search, import and validation of student records, automatic publication and purchase of certification records. The plugin supports all venue types including multi-site providers and all GWO syllabuses.
Optional plugins
We produce bespoke plugins on request to extend the features available or modify the standard outputs (fees may apply).

What TAMS does NOT do!

  • TAMS is not an e-learning platform - it does not create content for or control access to online courses.
  • TAMS is not designed for extended modular qualifications such as degrees and diplomas.
  • Management of syllabuses, course bookings, students and user accounts is the sole responsibility of the training provider, not UVSAR.
  • Providers will have their own choice of company finance software, so TAMS does not send invoices or collect payments.
  • Providers are forbidden from using TAMS to store HIPPA or PCS data (medical records or bank/card numbers).
  • Subscribers are forbidden from falsely claiming any approvals or affiliations for their training programs.
  • The records within TAMS – course events, marks, student lists, etc. – are for training courses delivered by the subscriber. The platform is not designed to store copies of certificates issued by anyone else, though where a syllabus being delivered by the training provider requires a third-party certificate to be issued (such as from a government agency) then TAMS can generate reports of delegates to be sent to that issuing body.
  • TAMS is a subscription service accessed through a secure website. It is not ‘installed' on your computers and is not available to purchase outright. We operate a sunset policy to protect active subscribers should the service ever be suspended.

Security and access controls

  • TAMS is A+ rated by SSL Labs, the highest security approval rating possible.
  • Client and guest access to records for verification purposes is strictly limited. Subscribers are not permitted to assign non-guest logins to a third party, sublicense the platform or provide certification on behalf of another training provider.
  • Logins can be protected by secure two-factor authentication (OTP-2FA using a mobile authenticator app, or Passkey-WebAuthn using a hardware/biometric module).
  • UVSAR does not routinely access the database except when requested to do so or as part of software updates. Your data is strictly confidential and never used for marketing or profiling. UVSAR does not publish lists of subscribers and the TAMS platform is not indexed by search engines.
  • TAMS has a secure API that allows members of the public to validate certificates directly on the training provider's own website.
  • All code on the TANS website is sourced directly from our servers. We do not load from third-party code libraries and never use ads or trackers.

Data integrity and recovery

  • The TAMS database schema is designed to prevent inconsistencies. Course event records are progressively locked as they proceed through creation, approval, delivery and marking. All significant actions are logged.
  • Full offline remote database backups are performed every day. Subscribers can download recent backups in standard SQL format.
  • The platform has a 99.5% upstream Service Level Agreement. System upgrades and in-band maintenance are performed outside of client business hours whenever possible. Note that as with all online services we cannot guarantee availability during wider network outages or where content-blocking policies are enforced.
  • Our default servers are based in the European Union for compliance with both EU-GDPR and UK-GDPR, and the EU data center is ISO, SOC, HIPAA and FedRAMP certified. The training provider is always the Data Controller under GDPR, and UVSAR is the Data Processor.
  • For US Federal and Military subscribers, servers physically based in the USA can be provisioned; details on request.
  • The database is standard SQL, so records can be imported into a third-party solution should the client wish to migrate away. UVSAR will provide a snapshot of the database at the moment a subscription ceases, unless that cessation is the result of non-payment.

The subscription includes:

  1. Initial setup and branding, including creation of core user accounts and import of the subscriber's corporate certificate/ID card designs (OEM templates are available for clients without defined livery).
  2. Creation of an initial set of statistical reports.
  3. Automatic updates to the core software, including new versions and features when released.
  4. English language email and phone technical support (UK/EU business hours).
  5. Initial video-meeting training for your staff users.