Blog: Free poster - PPE Post-Brexit

A free A4 poster describing the approval and marking of PPE for the UK (GB and NI) markets post-Brexit - updated August 2023Click to download the PDF

An updated version of our popular A4 wall poster summarizing the UKCA and UKNI schemes for product safety marking.

Includes the August 2023 change in UK Government policy that now means products with only a CE Marking will be accepted for the UK market indefinitely, which effectively means the UK schemes are now irrelevant for PPE. Many products have already been recertified and show the UKCA symbol, but products only certified in the EU and with only a CE Marking can remain on sale in the UK forever.

The UKCA symbol is not recognized any anywhere else, so any products exported from the UK must be certified under the appropriate international schemes (CE, ANSI, CAS, etc.)

Posted 2023-08-27 12:00:00 TAGS: Legal, PPE
